11 Most Popular Vegetarian Foods to Eat in Tibet

Tibet has a cold climate due to which meat forms a large part of the diet. When it comes to food, vegetarian options are a lot fewer as compared to non-vegetarian ones. However, the ones that do exist are quite delicious. 11 Most Popular Vegetarian Foods to Eat in Tibet 1. Momos Momos are extremely popular in India, however, it is believed that they are Tibetan in origin. Although they are similar to Chinese dumplings, they have their own distinct flavour. The outer covering is made from a dough using refined flour. The filling consists of meat traditionally, however, there … Read more

22 Famous Foods to Eat in Switzerland

Switzerland, the lank of exquisitely crafted watches and melt-in-the-mouth chocolates. The country is known for its snowy peaks and exhaustive amounts of delicate cheese, its cuisine is heavily influenced by Dutch, German, and French styles. Here are 22 dishes that are spread over different regions of Switzerland. And rest assured, all of them have the cheese factor you’ve been expecting. 22 Famous Foods to Eat in Switzerland 1. Fondue The most iconic dish that everyone associates with Switzerland and is now popular worldwide, the Swiss fondue is a large melting pot of cheese along with ingredients like garlic, white wine, … Read more